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Search for L... titles has 31 result(s)

Lakes and Reservoirs: Research & Management [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1995) - (NOAA restricted)

Land and Water: the magazine of natural resource management and restoration [more info]
Some full-text, tables of contents

Land Economics [more info]
Full-text, v.77 (2001) - (NOAA West restricted), abstracts, tables of contents

Land Economics [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.24 (1948) - 2 yrs. from current issue (NOAA restricted)

Landscape Ecology [more info]
Full-text, v.12 (1997) - (NOAA West Networks restricted), abstracts, tables of contents

Laser & Photonics Reviews [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (2007) - (NOAA restricted)

Latin American Antiquity [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1990) - 3 yrs. from current issue (NOAA restricted)

Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (2002) -

LCGC [more info]
Full-text, v.18 no.10 (2000) -

Leading Edge [more info]
Some full-text

Limnologica [more info]
Full-text, v.29 (1999) - 60 months from current

Limnology and Oceanography [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1956) - (NOAA restricted)

Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin [more info]
Full-text, no.1 (1990) - (NOAA restricted)

Limnology and Oceanography [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1956) - 3yrs. from current issue (NOAA Restricted)

Limnology and Oceanography: Methods [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (2003) - (NOAA restricted)

Linux Journal [more info]
Archived website, (no.1 (1994) - Aug. (2019))

Lipids [more info]
Abstracts, tables of contents

Lithosphere [more info]
Abstracts, tables of contents

Local Climatological Data - Anchorage, AK [more info]
Full-text, 1939 -

Local Climatological Data - Annette, AK [more info]
Full-text, 1948 -

Local Climatological Data - Boeing Field (Summary of the Day) [more info]
Full-text, 1939 - 1964

Local Climatological Data - Fairbanks, AK [more info]
Full-text, 1930 -

Local Climatological Data - Juneau, AK [more info]
Full-text, 1938 -

Local Climatological Data - Olympia, WA [more info]
Full-text, 1946 -

Local Climatological Data - Quillayute, WA [more info]
Full-text, 1966 -

Local Climatological Data - Seattle, WA (Sea-Tac) [more info]
Full-text, 1950 -

Local Climatological Data - Seattle, WA (Urban Station) [more info]
Full-text, 1914 - 1998

Local Climatological Data - Spokane, WA [more info]
Full-text, 1881 -

Local Climatological Data - Stampede Pass, WA [more info]
Full-text, 1949 - 1989

Local Climatological Data - Walla Walla, WA [more info]
Full-text, 1925 - 1987

Local Climatological Data - Yakima, WA [more info]
Full-text, 1929 -

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