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Search for A... titles has 208 result(s)

Abstracts of the Papers Communicated to the Royal Society of London [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.5-6 (1843-1854) (NOAA restricted)

Abstracts of the Papers Printed in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1800) - v.4 (1843) (NOAA restricted)

Academy of Management Journal [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.6 (1963) - 5 yrs. from current issue (NOAA restricted)

Academy of Management Review [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1976) - 5 yrs. from current issue (NOAA restricted)

Accounting Review [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1926) - 5 yrs. from current issue (NOAA restricted)

ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software [more info]
Abstracts, tables of contents

Acoustics Australia [more info]
Full-text, v.23 (1995) -

Acta Chiropterologica [BioOne] [more info]
Full-text, v.4 (2002) - (NOAA restricted)

Acta Geophysica Sinica (Chinese Journal of Geophysics) [more info]
Abstracts, tables of contents (of English translation)

Acta ichthyologica et piscatoria [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1970) -

Acta Oceanographica Taiwanica [more info]
Publication information

Acta Oceanologica Sinica (Hai yang xue bao) [more info]
Abstracts, tables of contents (of English translation)

Acta Theriologica [more info]
Tables of contents only

Adaptation Science [more info]
Archived publisher website

Administrative Science Quarterly [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1956) - 3 yrs. from current issue (NOAA restricted)

Advances in Applied Biodiversity Science [BioOne] [more info]
Full-text, 2003 - 2007 (NOAA restricted)

Advances in Applied Probability [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1969) - 3 yrs. from current issue (NOAA restricted)

Advances in Atmospheric Sciences [more info]
Abstracts, tables of contents

Advances in ecological research [more info]
Abstracts, tables of contents

Advances in Geophysics [more info]
Abstracts, tables of contents

Advances in Geosciences [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (2003) -

Advances in Marine Biology [more info]
Abstracts, tables of contents

Advances in Optics and Photonics [more info]
Open access full-text only, v.1 (2009) -

Advances in Polar Upper Atmosphere Research [more info]
Full-text, no.13 (1999) - no.20 (2006)

Advances in Water Resources [more info]
Full-text, v.18 (1995) - (NOAA restricted)

Aeolian Research [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (2009) - (NOAA restricted)

Aerosol Science and Technology [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1981) - 1 yr. from current, abstracts, tables of contents

Africa: Journal of the International African Institute [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1928) - 5 yrs. from current issue (NOAA restricted)

African American Review [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.26 (1992) - 3 yrs. from current issue (NOAA restricted)

African Arts [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1967) - 5 yrs. from current issue (NOAA restricted)

African Entomology [BioOne] [more info]
Full-text, v.15 (2007) - (NOAA restricted)

African Issues [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.28 (2000) - 3 yrs. from current issue (NOAA restricted)

African Journal of Marine Science [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1983) - v.26 (2004) (NOAA West Networks restricted)

African Zoology [BioOne] [more info]
Full-text, v.41 (2006) - (NOAA restricted)

AFSC Processed Report [more info]
Author and title listing

Agricultural and Biological Chemistry [more info]
Full-text, v.25 (1961) - v.55 (1991)

AGU Advances [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (2020) - (Open access)

AIBS Bulletin [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1951) - v.13 (1963) (NOAA restricted)

AIChE Journal [more info]
Full-text, v.42 (1996) - (NOAA restricted)

AIDJEX bulletin (Arctic Ice Dynamics Joint Experiment) [more info]

Alaska [more info]
Web edition full-text

Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Division of Subsistence. Technical Paper. [more info]
Full-text, no.1 (1982) -

Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Scientific and technical reporting series [more info]

Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC) Quarterly Report [more info]

Alaska Fisherman's Journal [more info]
Publisher website

Alaska Fishery Research Bulletin [more info]

Alaska Geographic [more info]
Publication information

Algorithms for Molecular Biology [archive] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (2006) -

Alolkoy [more info]
Some full-text

Amakusa Marine Biological Laboratory. Kyushu University. Publications [more info]
Publisher website

AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1972) - 3 yrs. from current (NOAA restricted)

AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment [BioOne] [more info]
Full-text, v.29 (2000) - v.40 (2011) (NOAA restricted)

American Anthropologist [more info]
Full-text, v.99 (1997) - (NOAA restricted)

American Biology Teacher [BioOne] [more info]
Full-text, v.62 (2000) - (NOAA restricted)

American Economic Association Quarterly [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.9 (1908) - v.11 (1910) (3rd series) (NOAA restricted)

American Economic Review [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1911) - 2 yrs. from current issue (NOAA restricted)

American Fern Journal [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1910) - 3 yrs. from current issue (NOAA restricted)

American Fern Journal [BioOne] [more info]
Full-text, v.91 (2001) - (NOAA restricted)

American Historical Review [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1895) - 5 yrs. from current issues (NOAA restricted)

American Indian Quarterly [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1974) - 5 yrs. from current issue (NOAA restricted)

American Journal of Agricultural Economics [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1919) - v.89 (2007) (NOAA restricted)

American Journal of Botany [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1914) - 5 yrs. from current issue (NOAA restricted)

American Journal of International Law [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1907) - (NOAA restricted)

American Journal of Mathematics [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1878) - v.117 (1995) (NOAA restricted)

American Journal of Political Science [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.17 (1973) - 1 yr. from current issue (NOAA restricted)

American Journal of Sociology [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1895) - 5 yrs. from current issues (NOAA restricted)

American Laboratory [more info]
Full-text, tables of contents

American Literature [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1929) - v.71 (1999) (NOAA restricted)

American Malacological Bulletin [BioOne] [more info]
Full-text, v.22 (2007) - (NOAA restricted)

American Mathematical Monthly [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1894) - 3yrs. from current issue (NOAA restricted)

American Midland Naturalist [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 - 3yrs. from current issue (NOAA restricted)

American Midland Naturalist [BioOne] [more info]
Full-text, v.140 (1998) - (NOAA restricted)

American Museum Novitates [BioOne] [more info]
Full-text, v.286 (2000) - (NOAA restricted)

American Naturalist [archive JSTOR] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1867) - 2 yrs. from current (NOAA restricted)

American Political Science Review [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1906) - 3 yrs. from current issue (NOAA restricted)

American Quarterly [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1949) - v.47 (1995) (NOAA restricted)

American Scientist [more info]
Abstracts, tables of contents

American Scientist [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.30 (1942) - 5 yrs. from current issue (NOAA restricted)

American Sociological Review [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1936) - 2 yrs. from current issue (NOAA restricted)

American Statistician [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1947) - 5 yrs. from current issue (NOAA restricted)

American Zoologist [more info]
Full-text, v.36 (1996) - v.41 (2001) (NOAA West Networks restricted), abstracts, tables of contents

American Zoologist [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1961) - v.41 (2001) (NOAA restricted)

Amphibian and Reptile Conservation [archive] [more info]
Full-text, v.3 (2004)

AMS (American Meteorological Society) Newsletter [more info]
Current news

AMSTAT News [more info]
Some full-text, tables of contents

Anadromous Fish Law Memo [more info]
Full-text, no.1 (1979) - no.50 (1990)

Anales de biología [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1984) -

Anales del Instituto de la Patagonia. Serie Ciencias Naturales [more info]
Full-text, v.31 (2003) -

Analysis [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1933) - 10 yrs. from current issue (NOAA restricted)

Analyst (Annals of Mathematics) [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1874) - v.10 (1883) (NOAA restricted)

Analyst (Royal Society of Chemistry) [more info]
Full-text, v.122 (1997) - v.130 (2005) (NOAA West Networks restricted), abstracts, tables of contents

Analytica Chimica Acta [more info]
Full-text, v.299 no.3 (1995) - (NOAA restricted)

Analytical Biochemistry [more info]
Full-text, v.224 (1995) - (NOAA restricted)

Analytical Chemistry [more info]
Abstracts, tables of contents

Animal Behaviour [more info]
Full-text, v.49 (1995) - (NOAA restricted)

Animal Blood Groups and Biochemical Genetics [more info]
Abstracts, tables of contents

Animal Conservation (Cambridge) [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1998) - v.8 (2005) (NOAA West Networks restricted), abstracts, tables of contents

Animal Conservation (Wiley) [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1998) - (NOAA restricted)

Animal Genetics [more info]
Full-text, v.28 (1997) - (NOAA restricted), abstracts, tables of contents

Animal Welfare Institute Quarterly (AWI Quarterly) [more info]
Current full-text

Annalen der Physik [more info]
Full-text, v.7-510 (1998) - (NOAA restricted)

Annales Geophysicae [more info]
Full-text, v.15 (1997), abstracts, tables of contents

Annals of Applied Probability [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 - 3yrs. from current issue (NOAA restricted)

Annals of Applied Probability [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1991) - 3 yrs. from current issue (NOAA restricted)

Annals of Carnegie Museum [BioOne] [more info]
Full-text, v.74 (2005) - (NOAA restricted)

Annals of Glaciology [more info]
Tables of contents only

Annals of Mathematical Statistics [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1930) - v.43 (1972) (NOAA restricted)

Annals of Mathematics [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 - 5yrs. from current issue (NOAA restricted)

Annals of Probability [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1973) - 3 yrs. from current issue (NOAA restricted)

Annals of Regional Science [more info]
Abstracts, tables of contents

Annals of Statistics [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1973) - 3yrs. from current issue (NOAA restricted)

Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1890) - 5 yrs. from current issue

Annals of the Entomological Society of America [BioOne] [more info]
Full-text, v.93 (2000) - (NOAA restricted)

Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 - 5yrs. from current issue (NOAA restricted)

Annual Review of Anthropology [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1972) - 5 yrs. from current issue (NOAA restricted)

Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics [archive] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1963) - v.33 (1995)

Annual Review of Computer Science [more info]
Tables of contents only

Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences [more info]
Full-text, v.24 (1996) - (NOAA West Networks restricted), tables of contents

Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences [archive] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1973) - v.24 (1996)

Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics [more info]
Full-text, v.27 (1996) - v.33 (2002) (NOAA West Networks restricted), tables of contents

Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1970) - v.33 (2002) (NOAA restricted)

Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics [more info]
Full-text, v.34 (2003) - (NOAA West Networks restricted), tables of contents, author index

Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.34 (2003) - 5 yrs. from current (NOAA restricted)

Annual Review of Fish Diseses [more info]
Abstracts, tables of contents

Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics [more info]
Full-text, v.28 (1996) - v.53 (2021) (NOAA West Networks restricted), abstracts, tables of contents

Annual Review of Marine Science [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (2009) - (NOAA restricted), abstracts, tables of contents

Annual Review of Physiology [more info]
Abstracts, tables of contents

Annual Review of Sociology [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1975) - 5 yrs. from current issue (NOAA restricted)

Antarctic Bibliography [more info]
Searchable database

Antarctic Global Change Research [more info]
Full-text, 2005 -

Antarctic Journal of the United States [more info]
Some full-text

Antarctic Record (Nankyoku shiry?o) [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1957) -

Antarctic Science [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1989) - (NOAA West Networks restricted)

Anthropological Quarterly [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.26 (1953) - 3 yrs. from current issue (NOAA restricted)

Anthropological Review [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1863) - v.8 (1870) (NOAA restricted)

Anthropology Today [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1985) - 5 yrs. from current issue (NOAA restricted)

Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy [archive] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1972) - 3 months from current

APHIS Aquaculture Industry Report [more info]
Publisher website

Applied and Environmental Microbiology [archive] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1952) - 3 months from current

Applied Geochemistry [more info]
Full-text, v.10 (1995) - (NOAA restricted)

Applied Mathematical Modelling [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1976) - (NOAA restricted, open access after 48 months)

Applied Microbiology [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1953) - v.30 (1975)

Applied Optics [more info]
Open access full-text only, v.1 (1962) -

Applied Statistics [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1952) - 4yrs. from current issue (NOAA restricted)

Applied Vegetation Science [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1998) - 5 yrs. from current issue (NOAA restricted)

Applied Vegetation Science [BioOne] [more info]
Full-text, v.5 (2002) - v.11 (2008) (NOAA restricted)

Aquacultural Engineering [more info]
Full-text, v.14 (1995) - (NOAA restricted)

Aquaculture [more info]
Full-text, v.129 (1995) - (NOAA restricted)

Aquaculture and Fisheries Management [more info]
Full-text, v.16 (1985) - v.25 (1994) (NOAA restricted)

Aquaculture Environment Interactions [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (2009) -

Aquaculture International [more info]
Full-text, v.5 (1997) - v.17 (2009) (NOAA West Networks restricted), abstracts, tables of contents

Aquaculture Magazine [more info]
Publisher website

Aquaculture North America [more info]
Publication information

Aquaculture Nutrition [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1995) - (NOAA restricted)

Aquaculture Research [more info]
Full-text, v.26 (1995) - (NOAA restricted)

Aquatic Biology [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (2007) - 1 yr. from current

Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1991) - (NOAA restricted), abstracts, tables of contents

Aquatic Ecology [more info]
Full-text, v.31 (1997) - (NOAA West Networks restricted), abstracts, tables of contents

Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management [more info]
Full-text, v.7 (2004) - v.17 (2014) (NOAA West Networks restricted)

Aquatic Geochemistry [more info]
Abstracts, tables of contents

Aquatic Living Resources [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1988) - (NOAA West Networks restricted), abstracts, tables of contents

Aquatic Living Resources (Cambridge) [more info]
Full-text, v.23 (2010) - v.27 (2014) (NOAA West Networks restricted), abstracts, tables of contents

Aquatic Mammals [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1972) - (NOAA West Networks restricted)

Aquatic Microbial Ecology [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1995) - (Latest 5 yrs. - NOAA restricted)

Aquatic Sciences [more info]
Full-text, v.59 (1997) - (NOAA West Networks restricted), abstracts, tables of contents

Aquatic Toxicology [more info]
Full-text, v.31 (1995) - (NOAA restricted)

Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology [more info]
Full-text, v.32 (1997) - (NOAA West Networks restricted), abstracts, tables of contents

ArcNews [more info]
Current full-text

Arctic - Journal of the Arctic Institute of North America [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1948) - (NOAA West Networks restricted)

Arctic and Alpine Research [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1969) - v.30 (1998), (NOAA restricted)

Arctic Anthropology [more info]
Full-text, v.40 (2003) - (NOAA West Networks restricted), abstracts, tables of contents

Arctic Bibliography [more info]
Some full-text

Arctic Bulletin [more info]
Some full-text

Arctic Institute of North America. Annual Report. [more info]
Full-text, 2000 -

Arctic Project bulletin (OCSEAP, Arctic Project Office) [more info]
Some full-text

Arctic Research of the United States [more info]

Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.31 (1999) - 3 yrs. from current issue (NOAA restricted)

Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research [BioOne] [more info]
Full-text, v.35 (2003) - (NOAA restricted)

ArcUser [more info]
Full-text, 1998 -

ArcWatch [more info]
Full-text, (October 2006) -

ASA Marine Environmental Newsletter [more info]
Publisher website

Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series [archive] [more info]
Full-text, v.1-5 (1988); v.7-22 (1990-1992); v.24-63 (1992-1994); v.65-81 (1994-1995); v.83-121 (1995-1997); v.124-155 (1997-1998)

Atmosfera [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1988) -

Atmosphere [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1963) - v.15 (1977)

Atmosphere Ocean [more info]
Full-text, v.16 (1978) - v.50 (2012), abstracts, tables of contents

Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (2008) -

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (2001) -

Atmospheric Environment [more info]
Full-text, v.29 (1995) - (NOAA restricted)

Atmospheric Environment, Part A: General Topics [more info]
Abstracts, tables of contents

Atmospheric Environment, Part B: Urban Atmosphere [more info]
Abstracts, tables of contents

Atmospheric Research [more info]
Full-text, v.35 no.2 (1995) - (NOAA restricted)

Atmospheric Science Letters [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (2000) -

Atoll Research Bulletin [more info]

Atomic Spectroscopy [more info]
Some full-text, (1996) -

Audubon [more info]
Some full-text, web exclusives

Auk (The) [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1884) - v.116 (1999)

Auk (The) [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1884) - 4 yrs. from current issue (NOAA restricted)

Auk (The) [BioOne] [more info]
Full-text, v.117 (2000) - (NOAA restricted)

Australian Antarctic Magazine [more info]
Full-text, no.1 (2001) -

Australian Journal of Chinese Affairs [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, no.1 (1979) - no.33 (1995) (NOAA restricted)

Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research [more info]
Abstracts, tables of contents

Australian Journal of Physics [archive] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1948) - v.49 (1996)

Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Journal [more info]
Full-text, v.58 (2009) - v.65 (2015)

Australian Meteorological Magazine [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1952) - v.57 (2008)

Australian Wildlife Research [more info]
Some full-text

Australian Zoologist [more info]
Full-text, v.21 (1982) -

Avian Diseases [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1957) - 3 yrs. from current issue (NOAA restricted)

Avian Diseases [BioOne] [more info]
Full-text, v.46 (2002) - (NOAA restricted)

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