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Search for C... titles has 112 result(s)

Cactus and Succulent Journal [BioOne] [more info]
Full-text, v.77 (2005) - (NOAA restricted)

California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations. Data Report (CALCOFI) [more info]
Data and summaries

California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations. Progress Reports (CALCOFI) [more info]
Data and summaries

California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations. Reports (CALCOFI) [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1950) - v.60 (2019)

California Fish and Game [more info]
Full-text, v.94 (2008) -

Callahoo [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1976) - 5 yrs. from current issue (NOAA restricted)

Canada. Fisheries and Marine Service. Marine Environmental Data Service. Technical Reports [more info]
Some full-text

Canada. Fisheries and Marine Service. Data Report [more info]

Canada. Fisheries Research Board. Manuscript Report Series. (Oceanographic and Limnological) [more info]
Some full-text

Canada. Fisheries Research Board. Technical Reports [more info]
Some full-text

Canadian Acoustics [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1973) - (NOAA West restricted)

Canadian Entomologist [BioOne] [more info]
Full-text, v.139 (2007) - v.143 (2011) (NOAA restricted)

Canadian Field Naturalist [more info]
Full-text, v.117 (2003) - (NOAA West restricted)

Canadian Fish Culturist [more info]
Some full-text

Canadian IPY News [more info]
Archived full-text

Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1935) - v.35 (1967) (NOAA restricted)

Canadian Journal of Economics [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1968) - 3 yrs. from current issue (NOAA restricted)

Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences [more info]
Full-text, v.37 (1980) - (NOAA West Networks restricted), abstracts, tables of contents

Canadian Journal of Microbiology [more info]
Full-text, v.42 (1996) - v.58 (2012) (NOAA West Networks restricted), abstracts, tables of contents

Canadian Journal of Political Science [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1968) - 5 yrs. from current issue

Canadian Journal of Sociology [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1975) - 2 yrs. from current issue (NOAA restricted)

Canadian Journal of Statistics [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1973) - 5 yrs. from current issue (NOAA restricted)

Canadian Journal of Zoology [more info]
Full-text, v.74 (1996) - (NOAA West Networks restricted), abstracts, tables of contents

Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences [more info]
Some full-text

Canadian Technical Report of Hydrography and Ocean Sciences [more info]
Some full-text

Castanea [BioOne] [more info]
Full-text, v.68 (2002) - (NOAA restricted)

CCAMLR Science [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1994) -

CDIAC Communications [more info]
Full-text, no.20 (1994) - (2003)

Cell Stress & Chaperones [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1996) - 1 yr. from current (NOAA restricted)

Cell Stress & Chaperones [BioOne] [more info]
Full-text, v.5 (2000) - v.12 (2007) (NOAA restricted)

Center for Climate System Research (CCSR) Report (University of Tokyo) [more info]
Tables of contents only

CEODE Newsletter (Center for Earth Observation and Digital Earth Chinese Academy of Sciences)) [more info]
Full-text, 2008 -

Cetacean Specialist Group. Newsletter [more info]
Publisher website

Change (Netherlands) [more info]

Chelonian Conservation and Biology [BioOne] [more info]
Full-text, v.5 (2006) - (NOAA restricted)

Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention Update [more info]
Publisher website

Chemical Geology [more info]
Full-text, v.119 (1995) - (NOAA restricted)

Chemistry and Physics of Llipids [more info]
Full-text, v.75 (1995) - (NOAA restricted)

Chemosphere [more info]
Full-text, v.30 (1995) - (NOAA restricted)

Chemosphere - Global Change Science [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1999) - v.3 (2001)

Chesapeake Science [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1960) - v.18 (1977) (NOAA restricted)

China Journal [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, no.24 (1995) - no.50 (2003) (NOAA restricted)

China Ocean Engineering [more info]
Abstracts, tables of contents

Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology [more info]
Abstracts, tables of contents

CIC Newsletter (Center for International Collaboration, Univ. of Tokyo) [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1997) -

Ciencia y Technologia del Mar [more info]
Full-text, 2004 -

Ciencias Marinas [more info]
Full-text, v.19 (1993) -

Classical Journal [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1905) - 3 yrs. from current issue (NOAA restricted)

Climate Diagnostics Bulletin [more info]
Full-text, (Feb. 1999) -

Climate Dynamics [more info]
Full-text, v.13 (1997) - (NOAA West Networks restricted), abstracts, tables of contents

Climate of the Past [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (2005) -

Climate Research [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1990) - (Latest 5 yrs. - NOAA restricted)

Climatic Change [more info]
Full-text, v.35 (1997) - (NOAA West Networks restricted), abstracts, tables of contents

Climatography of the United States [more info]
Publication information

Climatological Data - Alaska [more info]
Full-text, 1915 -

Climatological Data - Hawaii/Pacific Islands [more info]
Full-text, 1905 -

Climatological Data - Idaho [more info]
Full-text, 1893 -

Climatological Data - Montana [more info]
Full-text, 1891 -

Climatological Data - National Summary [more info]

Climatological Data - Oregon [more info]
Full-text, 1889 -

Climatological Data - Washington [more info]
Full-text, 1891 -

Clinical Microbiology Reviews [archive] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1988) - 1yr. from current issue, abstracts, tables of contents

Clinical Vaccine Immunology [archive] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1994) - 3 months from current, abstracts, tables of contents

CMOS Bulletin (Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society) [more info]
Full-text, v.33 (2005) -

Coastal Data Information Program. Monthly Summary Report [more info]

Coastal Engineering [more info]
Full-text, v.24 (1995) - (NOAA restricted)

Coastal Management [more info]
Full-text, v.32 (2004) - v.42 (2014) (NOAA West Networks restricted), abstracts, tables of contents

Coastal Services [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1998) -

Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) [more info]
Full-text, 1996 -

Cold Regions Science and Technology [more info]
Full-text, v.23 (1995) - (NOAA restricted)

Coleopterists Bulletin [BioOne] [more info]
Full-text, v.54 (2000) - (NOAA restricted)

College Mathematics Journal [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 - 3yrs. from current issue (NOAA restricted)

Colonial Waterbirds [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.4 (1981) - v.21 (1998) (NOAA restricted)

Columbia Basin Bulletin [more info]
Full-text (membership required)

Commercial Fisheries Review [more info]
Full-text, v.8 (1946) - v.33 (1971)

Comparative Parasitology [BioOne] [more info]
Full-text, v.69 (2002) - (NOAA restricted)

Compendium of U.S. wave data summary statistics [more info]
Full-text, 1995 - 1996

Computational Statistics and Data Analysis [more info]
Full-text, v.19 (1995) - (NOAA restricted)

Computers & Fluids [more info]
Full-text, v.24 (1995) - (NOAA restricted)

Computers in Physics [more info]
Search only

Computing in Science and Engineering [more info]
Abstracts, tables of contents

Condor [more info]
Abstracts, tables of contents

Condor [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.2 (1900) - 3 yrs. from current issue (NOAA restricted)

Condor [archive] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1899) - v.102 (2000)

Condor [BioOne] [more info]
Full-text, v.102 (2000) - (NOAA restricted)

Configurations [more info]
Tables of contents only

Confluence [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1996) - v.5 (2001), listserve access

Congressional Record [more info]
Full-text, v.140 (1994) -

Conservation [more info]
Full-text, v.8 (2007) - v.15 (2014) (NOAA restricted), abstracts, tables of contents

Conservation Biology [more info]
Full-text, v.6 (1992) - (NOAA restricted), abstracts, tables of contents

Conservation Biology [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 - 3yrs. from current issue (NOAA restricted)

Conservation Ecology [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1997) -

Conservation Genetics [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (2000) - (NOAA West Networks restricted), abstracts, tables of contents

Conservation in Practice [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (2000) - v.7 (2006) (NOAA restricted), abstracts, tables of contents

Contemporary Sociology [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1972) - 2 yrs. from current issue (NOAA restricted)

Continental Shelf Research [more info]
Full-text, v.15 (1995) - (NOAA restricted)

Contributions in Marine Science [more info]

Contributions to Canadian Economics [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1928) - v.7 (1934) (NOAA restricted)

Contributions to Zoology (Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde) [more info]
Full-text, v.67 (1997) -

Copeia [more info]
Abstracts, tables of contents, publication information

Copeia [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, no.1 (1913) - no.173 (1929); 1930 - 3 yrs. from current issue (NOAA restricted)

Copeia [BioOne] [more info]
Full-text, v.2000 (2000) - (NOAA restricted)

Coral Reefs [more info]
Full-text, v.16 (1997) - (NOAA West Networks restricted), abstracts, tables of contents

Crustaceana [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1960) - 5 yrs. from current issue (NOAA restricted), abstracts, tables of contents

Cultural Survival [more info]
Full-text, v.9 (1985) - , tables of contents

Current (Journal of Marine Education) [more info]
Full-text, v.24 (2008) -

Current Anthropology [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1959) - (NOAA West Networks restricted), abstracts, tables of contents

Current Anthropology [archive (JSTOR)] [more info]
Full-text, v.1 (1959) - v.56 (2015) (NOAA restricted)

Current Biology [more info]
Full-text, v.5 (1995) - 1 yr. from current

Current Herpetology [BioOne] [more info]
Full-text, v.24 (2005) - (NOAA restricted)

Cyberskeptic's Guide to Internet Research [more info]
Publication information

Cybium [more info]
Full-text (except the last 3 issues)

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