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Global | Pacific | Polar | Western Region

See also: Data sets listed by Subject and Provider.



Center for Tsunami Research (NOAA)
Includes bottom pressure data, bathymetric and topographic datasets, event and earthquake data, and data from some NCTR publications.

CISL Research Data Archive (NCAR)
The Research Data Archive (RDA) contains a large and diverse collection of meteorological and oceanographic observations, operational and reanalysis model outputs, and remote sensing datasets to support atmospheric and geosciences research, along with ancillary datasets, such as topography/bathymetry, vegetation, and land use. Dataset list.

The Comprehensive Large Array-data Stewardship System (CLASS) is an electronic library of NOAA environmental data. Includes satellite (polar-orbiting, geostationary and DMSP), sea surface temperature, RADARSAT, Altimetry/Sea Surface Height data and other miscellaneous products.

Earth Science Data Centers (NASA)
Provides data from NASA's past and current Earth-observing satellites and field measurement programs.

Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (NASA)
Provides global, long-term data records of atmospheric composition and dynamics, hydrology, air quality.

Global Earth Observation System of Systems (NOAA)

Global Ocean Observing System
The GOOS is a collection of ocean observing and information delivery systems providing near real time measurements of the state of the oceans.

National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service (NOAA)
National Centers for Environmental Information | Satellite data

World Data Centers




Bering Climate Data

Bering Sea Ecosystem Study (BEST) Data Archive

Central Pacific Hurricane Center (NOAA)

Coral Reef Ecosystem data (NOAA)
Time series data for ecosystems near the Hawaiian Islands, Guam, the Central Pacific, American Samoa and the Coral Triangle.

DChart (NOAA PMEL) *no longer supported
Contains ocean, climate and weather data.

Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory's Oceanographic In-Situ Data Access portal to ocean hydrographic and time series data.

Fisheries and Oceans, Pacific Region (Canada)

Fisheries statistics
Alaska | California | Oregon | Pacific Islands | Washington

Regional Ecosystems Data management (NOAA)

TOGA COARE Data Information System (NOAA)
Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere and Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Response Experiment data.

Links to data for the Northeast Pacific, Northwest Atlantic and Southern Oceans. U.S. GLOBal Ocean ECosystems Dynamics is a multi-disciplinary research program designed by oceanographers, fishery scientists, and marine ecologists to examine the potential impact of global climate change on ocean ecosystems.

Western Pacific Fisheries Information Network (NOAA)




Arctic Research Program (NOAA)
A set of reputable indicators that describe the present state of the Arctic ecosystem and climate.

NOAA's Arctic Program
Real time Data and Climate Indices | Data Centers and Institutions Holding Arctic Datasets

Frozen Ground Data Center (NSIDC)
Offers more than 500 data products.

International Arctic Buoy Programme (UW)
Datasets include buoy positions, ice velocity, surface air temperature, ice motion, and sea level temperature.

International Ice Patrol Data Archive (U.S. Coast Guard)
Provides recent and historical information on Ice Patrol operations, environmental conditions, and iceberg conditions for the North Atlantic.

National Ice Center (NOAA, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Navy)
Based in Anchorage, this Center provides data on snow and ice, ice extent, daily ice edge, arctic forecasting and icebergs.

National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC)

NESDIS Polar Operational Environmental Satellite (NOAA)

NESDIS Snow and Ice Products (NOAA)
Satellite data.

Permafrost data (International Permafrost Association)

Polar Hydrographic Climatology Project (UW)

Polar Science Center (UW)
Polar Science Center researchers observe and model the physical processes that control the nature and distribution of sea ice and polar ice sheets, the structure and movement of high-latitude oceans, and the interactions between air, sea, ice and biota.

World Data Center for Glaciology (NSIDC)
Data topics: agriculture, atmosphere, biosphere, frozen ground, glacier/ice sheets, hydrosphere, land surface, oceans, spectral/engineering, sea ice, snow and land ice, and solid earth.

Additional Arctic research centers and initiatives
Arctic Ocean Sciences Board / International Arctic Science Committee | Arctic Portal | University of the Arctic


Western Region

Alaska | Northwest | Southwest | Western Region (including Pacific Islands)



Alaska Ocean Observing System

National Marine Fisheries Service: Alaska

National Weather Service: Alaska

NOAA Fisheries Science Centers: Alaska



Washington Department of Natural Resources Data Sets

National Marine Fisheries Service: West Coast Region

National Weather Service
Northwest Weather and Avalanche | Idaho | Oregon | Washington

Northwest Fisheries Science Center Scientific Data Management



California Climate Data Archive

PaCOOS West Coast Habitat Server

California Department of Fish & Game data and maps
Includes a data portal, document library, Biogeographic Information and Observation System (BIOS), and biogeographic data.

National Marine Fisheries Service
California | West Coast Region

National Weather Service: California

NOAA Fisheries Science Centers: Southwest

Southwest Fisheries Science Center Data portal (NOAA)


Western Region

National Marine Fisheries Service
Alaska | California| Pacific Islands | West Coast Region

NOAA Fisheries Science Centers Western Region data portals
Alaska | Northwest: Scientific Data Management Team, West Coast Habitat Server, Ocean Index Tool | Pacific Islands: Coral Reef Ecosystem Division, EOD TurtleWatch, Western Pacific Fisheries Information Network | Southwest

National Ocean Service
OR&R | Office of Coast Survey | Marine Sanctuaries | OceanWatch, Central Pacific

National Satellite and Information Service (NESDIS)

National Coastal Data Development Center: EcoWatch

Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research
PMEL |EcoFOCI (Alaskan waters)|Ferret 

Regional Ecosystems Data Management

U.S. Coast Guard

Western Regional Climate Center

Western Region State Climate Offices


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